My visit to Old Age Home...
It is September and in Oracle every September, we have
Global Volunteer Days. We do some social activity duing
these days.
This time there were many projects, but this project
interests me a lot. Last year also I participated in
the same project, visited the same place and it was
a wonderful experience interacting with the old people
over there. So this year also, I participated in the
same project.
Myself n my friend Kali left @ 12:30 from Madhapur,
first landed in Paradise, had a nice chicken biriyani,
then from there reached the venue,
Little Sisters Of The Poor - The Old Age Home
But what were we going to do there for them? Nothing much
we wanted to make that evening memorable for them. So we
had planned some games for them and lots of chotti-chotti
prices, which will be very useful for them.
What was I going to do? I took the responsibility of
Photography, so my job is to cover each and everything
that happens there.
From here, the photos will speak more than me...
Oracle Volunteers are preparing the auditorium for the program...
Many people were wheel chair bounded, so they were brought to
the audi by the volunteers...those who are in the Red colour T-Shirts
are the project leaders who organize the event...
Some poeple were really enthusiastic in singing...look @ their involvement...
Thats one minute game, that they are playing. They are supposed to light
maximum number of candles in a minute...
Wow...uncle is interested in the price...she is interested in photo...
but what am I interested in ;)

Thatha(Grandfather) is so fond of the Pethi(Grand-Daughter)...
There were so happy that we were there...
Thats throwing the ring to catch the price...Grandma got tooth brush...
Thats bolwing...look @ the expression in that grandma's face...
They are fishing the goodies...they all were so interested in playing the games...
This is an interesting game...they have to put bhindhi for Aish...
There was a classical music program arranged for them...
He doesnt have one leg, so what? He is taken care properly and happy here...
Look @ the wrinkles in her face...any guess on her age? She is a doctor
and 105 yrs old, she could still hear, listen and memorize. Last year when
I was there, I could speak to her too, but his year she is unable to speak.
Thats Kaali speaking to one grandma there, she is a Tamilian and has
5 children, some are abroad, some are here. They are unable to have her
with them due to circumstances. But she is happy here says. She wished
us good health, long and prosperous life. And she says seh eagerly waits
for their son/daughter's visit.
Yeah...thats the team, the team behind a successful evening...
Altogether it was yet another wonderful experience. They all are old,
but dont get a chance to go out. So this is a different experience for
them, they get chance to see new people and they get chance to play
some games. So they all were enthusiastically participating and
enjoyed a lot.
If you start speaking to them, they would be more interactive with
you. They ask lot of questions about you and they will answer all
your questions. I simply love this place. Coming Oct 8th they have
an other program there, I will surely participate in that program too.
And the following is the route map to the place, for those who are
in Hyderabad, can visit there sometimes: