Fete @ Little Sisters Of The Poor
Again it is time for me to go to Little sisters Of the Poor- Home For the Aged.
This time the purpose was different. They had arranged a fete there in their premises. The purpose of this fete was to raise fund to renovate their premises.
The gents' wards are available with attached bathrooms and toilets. The are planning to provide the same facility for the womens' ward as well. So they arranged different stalls over there. Some are by themselves and some are by the outsiders.
The following are the different items available over there:
1. HandiCrafts by the inmates of the LSOP
2. Different Pickles prepared by LSOP
3. Fruit Wines
4. Mutton Biriyani from Paradise
5. Fish fries from Taj Krishna
6. Chinese Cornor
7. Crispy dosa/Aappam by LSOP
8. Games for Kids/Adults by Oracle
9. Games/Tatoo drawing by HSBC
10. Ice Cream cornor
When I actually went there, I had no idea what I was going to do. Because unlike last time, this time my job was to run one stall, conduct the games. And I have never done that before, because I am slightly a shy person and wont be able to be interactive and funny to make people involved. But I was able to manage to some extent with the help of others.
And when we were setting up the stalls, I was thinking would people really interested in coming to these kinda Fete, play games and enjoy. But something else was there in store for us.

This is how the fete was opened.

This is our first stall were we had kept the bowling for kids as well as adults.

These two were our regular customers for bowling, they both played nearly 20 times each and won 6-7 times. The first girl didnt allow me to arrange the bottles, because I was keeping them apart that she was unable to win...:-)

This is our second stall were we had kept fishing the goodies and 1 minute games. In this one minute game, he should make tower plastic cups.

We had a paiting competition for kids, look @ the size of the kid and their involvment.

These are two of the best paintings that we selected.

This was prize distribution for the best paintings.

What are these two grandmas looking at? They are so keen in doing R&D...

This is our third stall were we had kept throwing the ring and basket ball games.

Thats our team again which was behind the successful program.
There is a community called HOME for the old/aged... in orcut. I had scrapped the hyderbad members of this community. Expected many people, but two ladies who got the information had turned up for the fete.
People who are interested can join this community in orcut, can provide/receive more information reg. the Old Age Homes.
Meet you all again soon...
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